The Celeste Theatre

"Why, you could say that the fabric of Ishgardian life is woven from loss. That is why their art has such beauty ─ Their lives are as glorious candles, burning twice as bright but for half as long."
─ Redolent Rose

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IC Rules:
- Harm none within the walls of the theater. Regardless of anyone's origin or past deeds, the Celeste is first and foremost a sanctuary to all, and fighting or ill action towards another will result in immediate expulsion from the building. Any conflict that arises should be solved through witty wordplay and clever insults, or taken outside the grounds.
- Within these halls, differences are to be respected. Those who show undo cruelty or rudeness towards those different to them will be asked kindly to leave or be silent. Entirely silent. Highborn or lowborn, Ishgardian or not, all are welcome.
- If rotten vegetables are thrown at the performers, the performers reserve the right to throw whatever they might like back at the offending audience members. 'Tis only fair.
- Abide by the directions of staff and security.
- Do not bring trouble or authorities to the doorstep of the theater. If you wish to seek sanctuary, you best shake whatever law enforcement is after you before you knock on the doors.
OOC Rules:
- Be over the age of eighteen, both IC and OOC. There may be mature themes discussed, so this is not a place for minors. Characters and players over twenty-one are preferred.
- Treat others with respect and kindness, no matter what. There will be no tolerance for harassment, bullying, or pettiness. If there are conflicts, please settle the matter respectfully in DMs, or ask someone with the <MASK> FC tag to direct you towards someone who can you assist if you need to. This is not the place for OOC drama.
- No homophobia, no transphobia, no racism, no classism, no sexism, no bigotry of any kind. We value inclusivity very highly.
- Do not metagame. Please be realistic and mindful of what your character would know ICly, especially due to the secretive nature of the criminal ties in the venue. If you aren't certain if your character could know something, reach out and ask before using it as a hook.
- IC does not equal OOC, and IC actions will have IC consequences. Though IC conflict is to be expected, at some points, please do not take those conflicts OOC, and remember that the players behind the screen are not their characters. But, with that said, if someone is experiencing OOC discomfort due to the roleplay, things should stop until a solution is reached that makes everyone comfortable to move forward.
- Be polite of immersion. When people are using the space for roleplay, keep OOC chatter to a minimum, and don't spam abilities.
- While we have absolutely no problems with lore-bending as long as things feel plausible within the setting, we prefer to keep things lore-adherent within the venue and during public events, just to make sure the roleplay remains accessible to all preferences.


The Celeste acts as a home to many, whether employees, residents, or simply people passing through. The theater prides itself on providing sanctuary to those who need it, so long as the greatest tenet of the theater is upheld: harm no one within the walls.

Player Characters

Frey UnderbridgeFrey's place at the Celeste can best be described as tenuous, with their tendency towards chaos and mischief. Having once broken multiple tenets of the theater, the Keeper only recently regained their employment and home, and remains on thin ice with their superiors. Formerly a loyal servant of Zeselle's, assisting her in matters of theft and subterfuge, Frey's unpredictable nature led them to lose some of that trust. Despite this, Frey retains the love and adoration of many members, often granted privileges and leeway that may not be deserved.

March "Greystone"A mysterious Elezen with a shrouded past and countless fake identities, those closest to him know him simply as March. With his feet planted firmly in Ishgard's underground, March acts in the shadows, excelling at operating unseen by the eyes of Ishgard's law. As the right hand of leader Zeselle Lasoleaux, March exacts her will with a careful precision, and his loyalty to the Celeste knows no bounds. The theater is his family, and he will protect them all however he must.

The StrangerThe Stranger, an entirely enigmatic figure shrouded behind a mask, joined the Celeste at the behest of Frey Underbridge, though the connection between the two is as mysterious as the masked individual. With a great skill in combat and the precision to carry out any job tasked, the Stranger occupies a role as one of the protectors and guardians of the Celeste, working under March to keep the Celeste safe. Though certainly a person of few words, if any at all, the Stranger at least seems loyal to the Celeste's cause and members, or perhaps only to itself and its coin purse.

Lumi LavalBorn of the now-dispersed Beteille family, Lumi is a friend and long-standing ally to Zeselle Lasoleaux, leader and owner of the Celeste. Throughout his life, Lumi has acted as a benefactor to the Celeste, primarily offering his skills as an informant to assist Zeselle and receiving her protection in return. Despite his family's fall and rumors of heretical involvement circulating him and his relatives, Lumi has always managed to stay one step ahead of trouble. Relying on his brother and other connections in Ishgard, Lumi maintains a (mostly) clean reputation, even as the remaining members of the Beteille family endure scrutiny from the Inquisition.

Non-Player Characters

NPCs for the Celeste are intended to function as role-play hooks, parts of the Celeste's story, and characters that may be encountered during plots or events. These characters are open for pre-established connections, such as old allies, enemies, or any other discussed past affiliation.

Zeselle LasoleauxRoles: Owner, founder, director
Age: 77
Zeselle Lasoleaux hides her secrets beneath an air of elegance, poise, and an icy smile, although this collected exterior hides a passionate woman driven by her ideals. Baroness Zeselle Lasoleaux serves the Lasoleaux house of Ishgard, a minor noble family serving under House Durendaire. A widow currently lacking in suitable heirs, she became the de facto head of the house after the death of her husband. She studied to become an Astrologian, and also became the subject of many strange rumors circulating her past, including rumors of bastard children, secret affairs, and underhanded dealings. Rumors may stir, but Zeselle somehow remains above too much suspicion, and her House stands firmly among Ishgard's nobility. An event in Zeselle's past, at age twenty five, spurred her to strive to defy the law and order of the Holy See and work to protect the persecuted. And so, she created the Celeste Theatre, a place to bring art and entertainment to Ishgard, to shelter those who would otherwise be persecuted for any reason, and act as a front to smuggle people and illegal goods in and out of the city. Zeselle does not believe in moral absolutes, only in loyalty to her family and those under her care, and she created the Celeste to be a home to all, so long as her rules and order remain obeyed.

Sigmund HorneRoles: Writer, actor, theater dad
Age: 62
Sigmund Horne’s serious demeanor hides a heart of gold, steadfast and always willing to reach out a hand to help another person. He grew up in the Brume, finding whatever work he could, and is one of Zeselle’s oldest friends, although the mystery of how the two met remains. He is the only one in the theatre who knows the story of what occurred in Zeselle's life to lead to the founding of the theater, and the Celeste’s foundation was partially his idea. He agreed to join and write the shows for Zeselle, and has been by her side ever since, serving as a cornerstone for the Celeste and its members. Nowadays, he continues writing the scripts for many of the Celeste’s shows, and often performs in them as well.

Odrianne LumaultRoles: Lighting, special effects
Age: 46
Odrianne Lumault, despite being haunted by nightmares of her past, remains a gentle, quiet person. But, if her loved ones are threatened, her wrath will be swift, brutal, and beyond her control. She joined the Celeste after deciding to lay down her weapons and give up fighting in the Dragonsong War, the horrors of the war still haunting her to this day. She was a Knight, a battle mage using thaumaturgy to aid her allies, but grew familiar with all manner of weapons. After witnessing so much futile death, Odrianne was unable to continue fighting, and instead returned to Ishgard, where she was eventually hired by the Celeste. Using the eclectic magic that she knows, she adds flair and fire to the Celeste’s shows.

Thorny RoseRoles: Set designer, make-up artist, actor
Age: 41
A newer addition to the theater, Thorny Rose fancies herself not a jack of any trade, but rather a master of all. She sees beauty and excellence in every project she touches, as well as in every person she interacts with. Rose grew up in Ul’Dah, longing for all the beautiful objects flaunted by the wealthy, which were always out of her reach. Eventually, Rose grew tired of waiting for change in Ul’Dah, setting off across Eorzea to seek fame and fortune. Wherever she went, she sold herself as a celebrity, convincing people that she was a prominent designer from Ul’Dah. She eventually found her way to Ishgard after the end of the Dragonsong War, accompanying a clothing merchant, where Zeselle quickly saw through her lies. But, Zeselle also saw a remarkable creative potential in her. The Celeste provided Rose with the materials she needed to finally, truly express herself. Now, perhaps her self grandiosity isn’t quite as much the lie it used to be.

Theo TraverseRoles: Musical director, musician, frequent cook
Age: 31
Theo Traverse goes through life surrounded by a constant air of restless energy and anxiety, soothed only when he’s playing an instrument. He was trained as musician for his entire life, entertaining the high houses of Ishgard since he was a small child. With all of his formal training, he was a clear choice for Zeselle when she needed a musical director, and he joined at her behest. Theo also loves to cook, and frequently takes on the role of chef for the theatre, subjecting everyone to his sometimes questionable culinary experiments.

Colette BlackRoles: Tightrope walker, acrobat, actor
Age: 26
Colette Black’s bright, colorful personality and appearance can be off-putting to some, like a candy so sweet it burns the mouth. But, her infallible loyalty and drive to inspire others makes her an ideal member of the Celeste. She grew up honing her gymnastic ability in Ishgard, training as a Dragoon. Eventually, she proved unfit for that career, and began performing and learning the arts of acrobatics, tightrope walking, and acting. Even at her young age, she performs with a rare confidence and mastery. But, underneath Colette’s shining exterior, she hides a penchant for forbidden magic, and a fascination with the Void, which stems from her lifetime of seeking fascinating stories of dark magic and mystery.


On the Surface...The Celeste Theatre has operated in Ishgard for over forty years, founded during wartime as a noblewoman's apparent pet project. The theater's avant-garde approach, combining circus arts with traditional plays, made it something of a controversy at its foundation, seen as a lower class establishment by the nobility of Ishgard. Prior to the lies of the Holy See being exposed, the Celeste focused on morality plays: stories sanctioned by the church to promote lessons of faith and tell stories of the Saints and Halone. After the end of the Dragonsong War, the theater's focus shifted as the city around it began to change and grow, producing more original work and inviting artists from outside of Ishgard to perform on their stage. Now, the theater has begun to thrive, the arts alive and well in Ishgard as post-war prosperity greets the city.Under the Facade...Beneath the guise of an entertainment venue, the Celeste has operated as a haven for those in Ishgard's underground, and a smuggling ring for moving people and items unseen in and out of the city. Using Baroness Zeselle's connections, cultured through a lifetime of careful preparation, the Lasoleaux House and the Celeste have integrated themselves into several facets of Ishgardian society. With properly placed bribes, clever blackmail, and the use of merchant caravans and military allies, the Celeste managed to smuggle goods and people in and out of the city, often right under the noses of the Inquisitors and other agents of the Holy See. At times, these services were applied to assist heretics, criminals, and plenty other less-than-savory individuals. Even now, after the end of the Dragonsong War, the Celeste continues this tradition, and offers sanctuary to those who seek it. No matter someone's past crimes or deeds outside of the walls of the theater, all are welcome, so long as the Celeste's tenets are abided and upheld.At the Heart...The more one becomes involved in the more dubious activities of the theater, the more unanswered questions appear. Just what is the purpose of this place? What secrets lie in the past, hidden beneath the pretty lies and masks? Each and every person who passes through, whether an employee or a guest, seems to possess secrets of some kind: some of them dark, others mere comedies and tragedies. At the heart, the Celeste is a place of stories, where tales intertwine and connect, and nothing is ever quite what it seems to be.


In Character LocationLocated in the Pillars of Ishgard, the Celeste can be found near the newly built Empyreum, notable by the brightly painted red door. The door opens to a lobby, while the theater itself takes up the lower floor. Upstairs, a small, cozy library provides space to relax, and tea for guests. Through winding hallways and staircases, the Celeste contains guest rooms, kitchens, offices, and a drafty attic. Perhaps there is more hidden in the depths of the theater, through the sprawling basement, with connections to the catacombs underneath the city.Out of Character LocationMateus server, Empyreum Ward 16, Plot 7. Please feel free to stop by and visit!


Thank you for your interest in the venue! I currently host private events, established through role-play with the player characters, as well as the public events advertised here. If you have any questions, would like to discuss planning some roleplay, or wish to use the Celeste as a hook or venue, please contact Frey Underbridge in game, or leave a note in our message book.It feels important to note that the Celeste is NOT a venue that focuses on in-game performance. While we may open our stage to performers at times, the core of the Celeste will always be roleplay focused on the setting of the theater, rather than on performers, since this allows us to explore themes relating to intrigue, politics, the underground, and the place of the arts in the ever-changing and growing setting of Ishgard. The arts have historically been a place where the high born and low born meet and mingle, and many artistic movements have given voice to the underdogs of society during times of change and upheaval. The presence of these themes remains the draw of the Celeste as a roleplay setting, rather than emphasis on performance itself.